Thursday, August 30, 2007

Motor VS 220-5

I received my motor from VS-Modelltechnik . It is the new compact model VS-220-5 with CNC cutted parts. You can choose between the finished product or kit version, where you have to do the winding. I chose the latter:

I already finished the first phase. I will put 15 windings in "star" configuration using a 0.5 mm wire. The finished motor will have about 320gr of thrust.

Friday, August 3, 2007


My new Schockflyer, the "Manta":

I only finished the Painting for the moment, i'm waiting for the brushless motor to arrive.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Little crash

I had a little crash the last week;

Just after taking off, the engine cut off an i had to land it in the field......

Result: The landing gear was torn off and the cowl was damaged

Repair wasn't really difficult

Another pic of the engine installation

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Some pics of the carbon fiber landing gear from Elster-Modellbau:

About 2cm had to be cut out in the center so that the gear fits the fuselage width.

Original landing gear weight: 270 gr
Carbon fiber gear: 132 gr

The landing gear is really good value for money!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Flying in my garage with the "Knuffel"

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Here is an older plane of mine:

Flip 3D from Kyosho
Motor: OS 70 Surpass, very reliable engine!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Finally, the weather was again good enough for flying!!!!
Went to the field with a big smile, but discovered really soon that the grass was a big mudd grave...... The photos were taken after the first flight and the underside of the plane was already brown. After the the 4. flight, the whole plane had turned brown!

For info;

Wingspan: 1.7 m
Lenght: 1.7 m
Weight: 4.3 kg
Motor: OS 120 AX with a Greve pipe
Prop: 16x8 (for the moment, will be changed to 17x6)
Servos: Ailerons-Hitec 5625; Elevators-Graupner 8081; Rudder- Hitec 5925

Modifications: Changed the original gear to carbon fiber (detailled pics will be added)

Tuesday, January 30, 2007



my name is David Lepore, i live in luxemburg and i'm 22 years old.

I decided to open this blog, because i wanted to share my passion with you and i was to lazy to learn how to make a proper homepage!

About my hobby; I've started modelflying nearly 10 years ago and spent a lot of time with it during the first years. Then came a phase, where i was more distant from it because of school. Right now, i don't have much time to spend neither, but make efforts not to loose this great hobby.

I'll try to post every progress on new models i will build and present some of my older planes soon....

Best regards,