Friday, July 4, 2008

Here is a short preview video of my Yak during my first flights:

Camera: Aloyse Linden

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Motor married with plane

I installed the motor today and as expected it was really easy, because a template for drilling the holes was provided! A friend of mine made some beautiful stand-offs from aluminium,
thanks Marc ;-)

As i did not purchased the additional QQ hardware package, i had to buy control horns.
On Hobbycity i found these for a few cents and they seem very solid. I simply glued a threaded bar in with epoxy and installed the horns:

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sunday, February 3, 2008

DA-100 arrived

This week, the engine and some accessories have arrived!
I've ordered everything at Troy Built Models. I was really pleased with their service and unbeatable prices espacially for the servos. On their site you can find a lot of useful information about giant scale aerobatic models and they give you tips of the setup to use in the different sizes of planes!
They don't shy to critic products they sell and that is a huge plus for me!

DA-100 with a PT 28x10 prop to keep the noise down
4x Hitec 5985 (ailerons), 2x Hitec 5955 (elevators) , 1x JR 8711 (rudder)

I decided to install one 8711 on the rudder rather than two 5955 tho keep the weight down and for simplicity. The 5955 really don't have the smallest play, but the 8711 do have very little play around center. I hope this play won't grow afterwards.

2x Li-ion 2400mah Batteries for the receiver

1x Fromeco Badger switch for the ignition

I've started to assemble the stabs, didn't have much time this weekend to do more.

The plane should be ready by april....

Monday, January 21, 2008

New project: QQ YAK 54 2.6m

Finally i made the step to giant scale with the Quique Somenzini Yak 54 102"

I received the plane for Christmas , but started only this week with building it. My first impression of the kit is very positive, the quality is really top notch and you can really use the provided
hardware (not like many other ARF's). The manual is excellent, so building should be a piece of cake! If you use the recommended setup, everything should fit just fine; the engine template is provided, the muffler tunnel is ready for the MTW 75 cans, even the cowl is already baffled.

I planned to try a new setup for the plane the get it lighter and less expensive: Using a DA-85 or a 3W-85 Xi should bring the weight down by 1kg and cost about 400 euros less. Sadly, the muffler tunnels are not wide enough to accept the bigger muffler of the mono-cylinder without having to do major modifications.

Therefor i will be going with the standard setup:

Engine: DA-100 with MTW TD75 mufflers
Servos: Ail: 4x Hitec 5985 Elev: 2x Hitec 5955 Rud: 1x JR 8711
The rest has to be determined yet....

Here a few photos: